u3a 40th Anniversary

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the founding of the u3a organisation in the UK and The Notts u3a Network are planning a week of events from Saturday, 18th to Saturday, 24th September 2022 and are looking for participants.

The week’s activities have still to be discussed at our committee stage to see how we will be joining in. However, Notts Network organisers want to know if anybody is interested in taking part in the main event on Saturday, 24th September.

On Saturday 24th there will be a Grand Finale in the Market Square in Nottingham. This will include a flash mob, local celebrities and the final arrival of the beacons. The Flash Mob will be a general gathering of u3a members, initially just hanging about the Square and at a signal, they will all join together and perform a Square Dance or something similar, depending on the number of participants.

There would be a couple of lessons to train for the dance prior to the event.

If you are interested as a single person, a couple or a group please let me know. At present we have a few names, about ten, but could do with more. I have registered our interest with the organisers and await further details.


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