Members’ Monthly Meetings

We meet at the John Godber Centre (JGC) on the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 2.00 pm.

Car parking is available on the Market Place and Piggins Croft, both of which are a short walk away. There is a small charge for parking at the JGC (50p for 2 hours £1 for 4 hours), the proceeds of which help to support the church.

Entry to the meeting is from the car park entrance only, please, not before 1:45pm. Please sign in at the tables at the front of the hall.   If leaving before the end of the meeting, it is important for health and safety that you sign yourselves out.

In the event of the fire alarm sounding, then please make your way to the rear car park by means of the rear doors. The assembly point is the Scout Hut in the far corner of the car park.

We will be using the JGC loop system for those of us with hearing aids, please switch to your loop setting. If unable to do this, then please sit on front row seats.

Please volunteer to help with the teas and coffee if you are able, you can sign up on the form available. After our coffee/tea break, we will be reconvening to hear a couple of our group leaders telling us about their group’s activities.

Wednesday, 14th August, 2024
This month, we welcome Barry Harper, Climber and Explorer.  He has walked to the North and South Poles and climbed most of the world’s highest mountains.  His talk is about crossing the Great Slave Lake in Arctic Canada.

Wednesday, 11th September, 2024
Our guest speaker this month is Steve Lemottee, Heritage Officer at Trent Bridge CC.  His talk is entitled ‘Sport on the Forest Recreation ground from the 17th century’.    The Forest became the home of Nottingham’s racecourse in the 1600’s and since then it has staged a wide variety of other sports – some gruesome, some famous and some unexpected.  This illustrated talk will look back at many of the sports that have taken place here and you are welcome to share your memories of playing or spectating at Nottingham’s oldest sports ground.

Wednesday, 9th October, 2024
We welcome Trevor Leeson, ex- Merseybeats with a visual and musical presentation.

Wednesday, 13th November, 2024

Our guest speaker this month is Andy Smart, talking about Local Heroes