Author Archives: Webmaster

Easier Cycling Group

Nine cyclists set off for a ride to Newstead Abbey on what may be the hottest day so far this summer. One advantage of cycling is the pleasant breeze to keep us cool, but the supercyclists on manual bikes may … Continue reading

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Fun with Languages

We had our last session on German this month but were low on numbers due to holidays and illness. We hope those unwell recover quickly. We completed the session with work on hotels and reservations, helped by our audio course. … Continue reading

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At a loose end on a Sunday afternoon, why not come along to St. John’s Church Hall, and join us for an enjoyable game of Kurling, between 3 and 5pm. It isn’t too exerting; you just need to be able … Continue reading

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The Thursday afternoon sessions of Canasta have started well, but we still have room for more players. We play every week in the lounge at the Station Hotel from 2 – 4.30. There is no room charge, just a purchase … Continue reading

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Do you want to keep your brain sharp? Why not come along to the Station Hotel lounge on a Tuesday afternoon and have a game of Rummikub. Rummikub is a game for 7 years and over and is simple to … Continue reading

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