Reading Group

The Reading Group is made up of a maximum of ten members. This enables time for every single person to tell us what books have been read that month. I liaise with the Hucknall Library staff to get ten copies of a set book each month for everyone to take away to read and then discuss at the following month’s meeting. After that we take turns to say what other books have been read that month. It amazes me how many books some members can read in one month! Our most recent book was ‘Life on Air’ written by David Attenborough which was a great tome of a book, quite heavy to hold and with small print, but the majority of the group thought it was “brilliant” and thoroughly enjoyed it. One member has the CD version of the book and it must have been lovely to have David Attenborough read to her!

We also occasionally attend talks put on by Hucknall Library with guest authors, which can be very enlightening. The Library also has a ‘Crime Café’ on the second Tuesday of each month, with guest speakers as well as discussions. Quite often we take their choice of set book the following month and it’s amazing how much we all love a juicy murder!

At this time of self-isolation members are reading their books then emailing their reviews to me and I will then send out the Monthly Reviews. Unfortunately we cannot do our usual “swaps” of books but I’m sure we all still have a pile of books by our bedsides waiting for us to read. The time has come folks! Get reading.

To contact Sandra Green, the group leader, please use the form below:-

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