Notes from the Committee

The committee met on Wednesday 2nd March, 2022, at 10.00am
There were no apologies for absence, all 12 members were present.
The February minutes were agreed with no matters arising.
Siobhan gave a brief update on the groups and confirmed that the new Flower Arranging Group had held their first meeting.
A group leaders’ lunch was held on Monday 28th February, 2022, and they agreed that it was good to get back together after basically a two year gap.
Dianne White and Diane Heenan have been actively seeking quality speakers for the monthly meetings. Confirmation for May onwards are to be confirmed.
The social subcommittee will be selling the few remaining tickets for the Bestwood Male Voice Choir Concert on Saturday 23rd April at the March monthly meeting.
Angela reported that after the upgrade the website is working well and we all encourage members to access it for the updates and the latest information that she posts on it.
Treasurer Christine had circulated the monthly accounts in advance of the meeting and has forwarded the annual summary to Geoff Cree our current annual accounts examiner.
Melvyn is following up possible options for some short course ‘one off’ events to be offered soon.
It is the season of annual membership renewals and Greg has received 411 renewals to date and a final reminder is being sent this weekend.
Mark has produced the Notice of the Annual General Meeting which was discussed and the procedure on the day was agreed. This notice will be received by all current members, together with the newsletter this weekend.
The recent John Godber Centre open day- a report is on this website under the heading ‘Message from the Chair’. It was agreed that attendance at one monthly meeting will be allowed for prospective, but as yet not paid up, new members.
Some members have expressed a wish to help the people of Ukraine and the committee are in full agreement.
Information will be sent out today and a voluntary ‘bucket collection’ will be held at the monthly meeting on March 9th. The proceeds of this will be donated directly to the Red Cross.
The meeting closed at 11.57am
It was followed by a meeting for new members. This was organised by Greg who welcomed them to the meeting. They were told about what was available at Hucknall u3a and given information about the Interest Groups from members of the committee, many of whom are also group leaders. It was good to see the new members.

David Rose

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