On Sunday February 13th the John Godber Centre held an open day and a group of us were there to represent Hucknall and District u3a. It was a wet and windy day which contributed to the low attendance.
However it is good to have opportunities to spread the word about our u3a and several people came to talk to us.
Councillor John Wilmott was in attendance and we spoke to him about how we contribute to the local community. Of particular interest was the Litter Picking Group and the outcome of this conversation was that we were able to submit a successful bid for £200.00 from the Ashfield Council community grants fund. The litter pickers, led by Val Gant, are very active and the funding will support buying the collecting bags and kit such as litter pick-up sticks, gloves and safety tabards for members.
At the February monthly meeting we were royally entertained by the speaker, the Rev Alan Haydock, with his tales of life as a country vicar.
This month our speaker is ex-journalist, Andy Smart, –details on this website on the Monthly Meetings page.
Please remember next month on April 13th it is our AGM, our first live one since 2019.
David Rose