After the recent enforced period of grumpiness, our Grumpy Old Men group is looking for more members to join them. We take it in turns to organise a day out to a place or activity of interest within reasonable distance of Hucknall, usually once a month. Before lockdown, some of our recent visits had been to the Museum of Timekeeping at Upton (everyone arrived early), Nottingham Council House for a guided tour, and Nottingham Justice Centre (no-one was locked up). Our excursions usually include a meal afterwards as well.
We are about to resume our activities for 2022. At the moment, we have our first 3 visits organised as follows, and space is available for each visit if you would like to join us – just get in touch:
Derby Museum of Making – Tuesday 29th March
Nottingham Tram HQ & Depot – Friday 29th April
National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire – Wednesday 18th May
If you are a sufficiently grumpy old man, or you know somebody who is, you can get in touch by via the form below or have a chat with John Tedstone at the next monthly meeting on Wednesday 13th April.