History Group

The History Group always welcomes all U3A members especially new ones. Our indoor meeting place is Central Methodist Church on Baker Street: time 2pm – 4pm.

The visit to the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery was am-a-zing. I have been trying to think, but not succeeding very well, if we have been to one as good before; perhaps the Royal Armouries at Leeds was closest; or the National Coal Mining Museum at Wakefield; all of which I think deserve another visit. I have, of course, not considered the smaller town ones which we could enjoy in one day. The journey both ways to Stoke was very good – a special thank you to the driver.

The next meeting at Central Methodist Church is Wednesday 15th November at 2pm. One of our previous speakers Michael Cooke is coming to tell us about “History and Aircraft in England and Surprises in France.” Sounds interesting!


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