History Group

The History Group always welcomes all U3A members. Our indoor meetings are held at Central Methodist Church on the 3rd Wednesday of the month commencing at 2pm. Money paid for the trip to Richard lll will be safe in the U3A bank until we can re-arrange later on. We are starting fresh in September (X fingers) Watch this space!


Tony bought a pick which included the legend – Hucknall (Torkard) Mining Tool Manufacturing Co. Ltd. The question was by email – can you tell me anything about the company?

No Archives or libraries are open at present, neither are unnecessary journeys allowed. So – what can I find in my own archive of Hucknall Data? The earliest data found was in Kelly’s Directory of 1904 which gives information that it is located on Annesley Road and High Street; followed by the 1905 one which says 113, Annesley Road. By 1908 the company is down Wigwam Lane and this continues until the last directory record I have found, listing the company there, in 1936. It is possible that the trade directories didn’t print so regularly then as telephones and directories were used more often. (The company telephone number was 41) I thought to try the 1911 census hoping to find a company owner perhaps but problems arose due to the fact that there was no number 113. At 111, Annesley Road lived William Hayes age 61, blacksmith, with his family and at No. 115, lived Joseph Knighton age 35, coal miner, a hewer and his family. Why was there no No. 113? Was it an open space?

I am hoping that one of HU3A members can help if a family member worked for or even owned this company. It would be nice to have a name. Please contact me via the form below.


Years ago I discovered Mother Julian who lived from 1342 to approximately 1416 which covered the time of the Black Death. She was an anchorite devoting herself to prayer and wrote the earliest surviving book written by a woman called ‘Revelations of Divine Love’. One of her ‘sayings’ seems to be very apt for the present time of the Covid 19 virus. “All shall be well and all manner of things shall be well”. What do you think?

It was March 2020 …

The streets were empty, the shops closed, people couldn’t get out.

But spring did not know, and the flowers began to bloom, the sun shone, the birds sang, the swallows would soon arrive, the sky was blue, the morning arrived early.

It was March 2020 …

Young people had to study online, and find occupations at home, people could no longer go shopping, or go to the hairdresser. Soon there would be no more room in hospitals, and people continued to get sick.

But spring did not know, the time to go to the garden arrived, the grass greened.

It was March 2020 …

People have been put in lockdown. to protect grandparents, families and children. No more meetings or meals, family celebrations. The fear became real and the days were therefore similar.

But spring did not know, apples, cherry trees and others bloomed, the leaves grew.

People started reading, playing with their families, learning a language, singing on the balcony inviting neighbours to do the same, being supportive and focusing on other values.

People realized the importance of health, of suffering, of this world that had stopped, of the economy that has plummeted.

But spring didn’t know. the flowers gave way to the fruit, the birds made their nest, the swallows had arrived.

Then the day of liberation came, people found out on TV, the virus had lost, people took to the streets, sang, cried, kissed their neighbours, without masks or gloves.

And that’s when summer came, because spring didn’t know. He continued to be there despite everything, despite the virus, fear and death. Because spring didn’t know, he taught people the power of life.

Everything’s going to be fine, stay home, protect yourself, and enjoy life.

To contact Maureen Newton, the group leader, please use the form below:-

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