History Group

All meeting are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month except July, August and December. Indoor meetings are held at the Central Methodist Church at 2.00 pm prompt.

It was interesting at the February meeting to hear what Cathy Mahmood had to say about the new project for Bulwell. She seemed to have crowds of members around her at the break so I think she had a good day.

18th March, 2020, is the visit to Richard lll Centre and Leicester Cathedral. Leave Hucknall 10.30 am; Leave Leicester 4.00 pm. Return Hucknall 5.30 (ish) Cost £18. At Leicester Cathedral there will be a service from 12.45 to 1.45 pm if you wish to attend. Afterwards you will be able to do a self-guided tour with a booklet about the Cathedral. Could I suggest we wear our U3A badges which will enable them to know who we are as we tour the buildings. The coach is fully booked and we have a reserve list so, if it happens that you are unable to make it on the day, please let myself, Kath or Kathy know as soon as possible. Thank you.

The next meeting at Central Methodist is 15th April 2020 when Malcolm Darroch is coming to tell us about ‘When the Balloon Went Up’.

To contact Maureen Newton, the group leader, please use the form below:-

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