Wine Tasting in March

We had a wonderful evening in March, when we went to the Theatre Royal Third Stage. Over 100 people took part in a ‘Chilled Guitar with Wine Tasting’ Experience. Top chef Heston Blumenthal reckons that music can twist your taste buds! Initially we thought this was a bit of a con but the consensus is; it was a very relaxed evening of wine tasting and the laid back guitar playing from Thomas Fripp was phenomenal. His chilled set of jazz standards and popular ballads were the perfect accompaniment to our guided tasting of eight wines, courtesy of Majestic Wines. A first rate learning/social experience.
Also in March, Sue Tedstone and Marilyn Gretton attended the Notts Network of U3A Wine Tasting Group Leaders. Although a little bit out of our depth, to say the least, we learned a few things to take back to our group. The meeting was hosted by Carlton and Gedling U3A at The Richard Herrod Centre. We are now on their e-mail contact list for ‘useful information’!

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