Weekenders' Plans until August

The Weekenders have planned a series of events up until August and there is an information slip available at the June meeting with all the details so please help yourself and come and join us. A copy of the programme will also be on the Hucknall U3A website. All events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously places are sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served; I should be grateful if you could let me know if you are interested in these events as soon as possible so that I can let other members know if I have places left.
On 7th May we enjoyed a Saturday lunch at Arunothai in Hucknall; one of our very favourite venues. Then on 16th May we are had a day trip to Bakewell Market. We ended May with our Coffee Club on 21st when we had a Book Exchange.
On June 6th we widen our historical knowledge with a trip to the Richard III Exhibition in Leicester and we plan to have a Social Evening and our Coffee Club session during June also.
For any information about the Lunch Group, the Weekenders Group, or the Reading Group, please contact Sandra Green on the form below or tel. 0115 8408132).

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