
The Weekenders Group was started in October, 2011 and was set up for those U3A members who were busy (or even perhaps still working part-time) during the week but who wished to be involved in U3A events at the weekends. The group is open to any U3A member who might wish to join in weekend activities.
The Group meets once every three months for a Programme Planning Meeting and it decides the events for the weekends during the next three months. However this does not mean that there is an event planned for every single weekend! Occasionally in addition we sometimes attend events organised by outside bodies during the week which may be of interest to those members who are available to attend them. So if any U3A member has more spare time at the weekend rather than in the week, do feel free to see me and take a look at the suggested programme for the next three months.
Many thanks to Doreen Newton who hosted a Social Evening at her home on Saturday, 6th April. Again we had a quiz, based on events in history in April and on Springtime generally, now that it’s finally arrived! The quiz was won by Jean Arrowsmith, Lindsay Smith and Doreen Newton’s team.
A short charades session then took place but this proved difficult for those of us who like to talk too much! Again thanks to everyone for bringing items for the buffet table.
A small group had a day out to Chesterfield on Friday, 12th April and I understand a good time was had by all.
Five of us took Afternoon Tea at Lottie’s Secret Tearooms on Friday, 19th April and we can highly recommend this venue. Personally I can’t wait to visit again.
The Weekenders members were out in force at the U3A Jazz Evening also on the 19th and it was good to hear live music for a change (although I was rather disappointed that one table of members talked all the way through the music). Many thanks to Val Kelly and her team for organising this event.
Just for general interest, there was a St. George’s Day Parade in Nottingham on Tuesday, 23rd April. We do have to keep flying the flag! I got chatting to a lady as we sat on the Old Market Square and surprise, surprise she goes to the same Square Dancing evening as John & Viv Ellis, Kay Burton and Pam Farrell. She is also on the waiting list to join Mansfield U3A. How did I know to go and sit on the wall beside her? It’s a small world. The actual Parade was a bit disappointing but I think this was due to it being in the week and not at a weekend.

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