Thursday, 21st October – Short Walk

Liz and Philip Attenborough have kindly offered to lead the walk which starts from the car park for Newstead and Annesley Country Park.

Sat-Nav postcode: Tilford Road Parking – NG15 0BU

Meet: at 9.45 am for a 10am start

It is a fairly flat walk on good tracks and paths.

There will be a coffee break at Newstead Abbey and a stroll back to complete the walk of about 4.5 miles.

Some information about the park:-

‘We are a park with a difference. The park is run by Newstead Enterprise – a company created by the community in Newstead Village to help create a better future for ourselves. We are run by volunteers who care passionately about the village, the Park and creating a legacy for future generations.

The Park is 220 acres and is situated on the site of the former colliery pit tips. The whole area has amazing wildlife interest and the village is working with a number of environmental groups to protect and enhance the area, half of which is a ‘Site of Importance for Nature Conservation’.

From Hucknall as you cross the railway turn immediate left then left again to the parking areas

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