Seated Exercise

“Couch Potatoes for Cognition”

We all know that regular activity is just one of the components for improving our health and well – being. Our U3A are really on the ball (excuse the pun pickleballers) and offer lots of activities for us to enjoy and get us moving.

However, some of us just don’t enjoy any activities on offer – right? But did you know that 1 in 14 people over 65 will develop Dementia and two -thirds will be women. This number is increasing as we are living longer and it is estimated that there will be 1 million sufferers by 2025. Scary number.

However, you can do something to help yourself and reduce your risk.

Recent research at Loughborough University has looked at the Risks and Protective factors for Dementia and found that engaging in physical activity, specifically strength training using resistance bands, is beneficial in protecting us against the disease and can also halve the rate of decline for those who have already developed it. Great News.

So be a couch potato and join in our seated exercise class where resistance bands are used for 15 – 20 mins together with exercises to improve core strength. We always finish the session off with fun routines which help develop cognitive as well as physical well-being. Lots of fun and laughter while sitting on our buttocks!!!

Resistance bands are provided and also available to buy as many members continue to practise at home.

We meet on the 4th Monday of the month at the Leisure Centre from 2-3.00 pm.

Give it a go, first session free.

To contact Anne McDowall, the group leader, please use the form below:-

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