Our August meeting was also open to other members for a presentation by Dr Tim Gray. Tim is the Chairman of the East Midlands Immediate Care team who attend traffic incidents, major individual life threatening traumas and occasionally violent crime scenes.
The team are all specially selected doctors who, after additional specialised training, carry out this role on a voluntary basis. It was both interesting and enlightening, some of the road accident images certainly reinforced the theory that ‘speed kills’.
Next Meeting
The September meeting is cancelled due to various holiday commitments and our next meeting is on Friday, October 19th,2018, 10 am to 12 noon in The Studio, John Godber Centre.
Alan Ratcliffe has offered to present a talk on ‘Navigating by Stars’. I look forward to this as I have always been fascinated by the way in which sailors found their way across oceans in small wooden boats with basic maps and no sat nav.
There will also be short presentations from other members – more details will be sent out later. We will also look at planning some topics for this year and please email me with any suggestions that you would like us to pursue.
To contact David Rose, the group leader, please use the form below:-