WOW, what a start for the New Year for the Pub Quiz and Lunch Group
Little did I realise that resurrecting the Pub Quiz and Lunch would give me so much pleasure. I am meeting more and more lovely people and the Pub Quiz and Lunch Group is coming on in leaps and bounds. This month’s meeting on 12th January at the Nabb Inn on Nabbs Lane was a tremendous success. We had a record turnout of 32 people. I hope all enjoyed our themed quiz about Firsts and New Year. This was won by the team ‘Universally Challenged’ with a magnificent score of 24 out of 25. A record for us. 2nd were ‘Newbies’ and 3rd were ‘Whatever’. Both teams scoring 22 but ‘Newbies’ were nearer the tiebreaker. Each member of the first three teams received prizes of 1st Brain Teaser Books, 2nd Notebooks & 3rd Calendar Bookmarks.
Once again we had a wonderful response from our members donating prizes to our raffle. We as a group buy some raffle prizes and the Manager of the Nabb Inn always gives us a free bottle of wine but without our members the Raffle would not be as good. Thanks to everyone for your donations.
I would like to thank the following people for helping me so much. Sandra Green our resident ‘shopaholic’ who buys our prizes. Alison Robbins for collecting the Subs. Mollie Shrewsbury for selling the Raffle Tickets and numerous people who support the advertising board at the U3A open meetings when I am absent.
The next Pub Quiz and Lunch will be on Monday 9th February at the Nabb Inn at 12 noon. The theme for this Quiz will be St Valentines and Looooooove!
On behalf of our little committee I would like to thank everyone for their help and I hope you will continue to come. We all look forward to seeing you all. If any of your U3A friends would like to come along, please bring them. It’s light hearted fun and it gets the grey matter moving a little.
From your compere and sometimes rubbish Quizmaster, John Peters and my beautiful assistants, Sandra, Alison and Mollie.
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