National Trust Trips

The coach fare for Charlecote Park will be £8.00 with cheques made payable to Hucknall and District U3A please.
The good news is I already have 22 people interested in the trip to Waddesdon Manor, Christmas festivities on 29 November, so I’m hoping that trip will be fully booked at the September meeting as I have to send off our £3.00 entrance fees. The coach fare is £10.00. So I will need a cheque made payable to Hucknall and District U3A for £10.00 and a cheque made payable to me for £3.00 so I can send off a single cheque to Waddesdon. This trip is great value as Waddesdon charge £25.00 entrance for non-NT members.
The coach leaves at 9.15 am for Charlecote Park from Hucknall Leisure Centre.
The coach leaves for Waddesdon Manor at 8.45 am.

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