Short Walk Thursday September 21st

The walk starts from Gedling Country Park Spring Lane NG4 4
The new visitors’ centre opened earlier this year and when we finish the walk in the park we can meet in the centre where lunches, drinks and snacks are available.
There is ample parking space and the meeting time is 9.45am for a 10am start.
We will initially leave the park to follow some footpaths in the Lambley area .On returning to the park there are options depending on how energetic members are feeling as different well signposted routes are available. However the park is hilly but efforts are well rewarded with fantastic views across Nottinghamshire.
Check their website for more details.
Short Walks Appeal
Currently Liz Edwards has to step back from activities due to family health issues.
She is prepared to carry on being the distributor of information but would really like a volunteer to take over for a while.
You would not be expected to organise the walks and routes which is a team effort.
We currently need members to organise October, November and December.
Please contact Liz or myself if you can offer one or more of these dates.
Thanks David Rose and Liz Edwards

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