Message from the Chair – April 2021

Hello Everyone,

We had a good warm and sunny start to spring in the final days of March and for the next six months the clock in my car is reading the correct time now we have entered British Summer Time (BST) – the time used in the UK from late March to late October, that is one hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.

The early history of BST is interesting. It was first established by the Summer Time Act 1916, after a campaign by builder William Willett. His original proposal was to move the clocks forward by 80 minutes, in 20-minute weekly steps on Sundays in April and by the reverse procedure in September. In 1916, BST began on 21 May and ended on 1 October. Willett never lived to see his idea implemented, having died in early 1915.

April is also the AGM month of our u3a. I would like to move ahead by 12 months to focus on the AGM in April 2022. Currently our constitution states the trustees (main committee members) can serve for a total of 6 years.

In April 2022 five members of the current committee reach that milestone and will vacate their office:

David Rose – Chair
Christine Berrill – Treasurer
Siobhan Lee – Groups Coordinator
Philip Attenborough – Equipment Manager
Barrie Saunders – Support across the committee roles

A u3a cannot function without trustees designated as officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Business Secretary. Before April 2022, Hucknall u3a will need members to step forward and volunteer for committee vacancies especially the officer roles of Treasurer and Vice Chair.

We had a similar situation in April 2016 and for a time it was almost a closure situation. It was thanks to the work and persuasive powers of John Tedstone and his retiring committee that encouraged the retiring members of the current committee to volunteer.

We will need at least five volunteers next April , if you are interested please get in touch with a committee member or myself via the form below:-

David Rose

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