Several Members have recently asked me about the composition of the U3A Committee so I will take this opportunity to explain the composition and roles of the twelve Trustees.
Chairman: Barrie Saunders
Vice Chairmen: Siobhan Lee and Margaret Huckerby.
Business Secretary: Mark Jackson
Minutes Secretary: Sandra Green
Short Course Organiser: David Rose
Treasurer: Christine Berrill
Membership Secretary: Margaret Hodkinson
Speaker’s Secretary: Margaret Huckerby
Interest Groups’ Leader: Siobhan Lee
Equipment Manager: Philip Attenborough
Website Manager: Angela Cornish
Member: Dianne White
Member: Dianne Heenan
Members have recently had their photographs taken and these will be on display at the Monthly Meetings.
Members meet on the first Wednesday of each month and may seek re-election every two years with Officers having to retire after serving a period of six years.
Two members will be leaving the Committee next April – Margaret Huckerby and Marguerite Hodkinson.
This Committee is supported by a Social Committee.