First of all, just a short vote of thanks to Mark Thornley for organising the trip to Kendal in March. Fifty two of us went and had an excellent time, coach, driver, hotel, food, staff, entertainment, walks, outings, were all very good, well done Mark.
I trust you all put your clocks forward on the 30th, it meant we had one hours less rain!
Well with the AGM next meeting, it means that my term as Chairman has come to an end and we will be voting in new committee members and re-electing some existing committee members, I would like to give you just a few details.
Diane Heenan has served her full 6 years and has been an excellent Speakers Secretary, sourcing some very good speakers, thanks Diane.
Angela Cornish has also served 6 years and has been an outstanding Webmaster, keeping our website fully up to date and setting up our new Facebook page, thanks Angela.
Mark Jackson has also completed his 6 years as both Business Secretary and Beacon Administrator. Mark has been a mainstay of the committee and has helped and mentored others whenever needed, many thanks Mark.
The are 4 new candidates for the committee – Helen Rose, who was co-opted during the year as Minutes Secretary (to replace Sandra Green), Robert (Bob) McEwen to stand as Vice Chair, Kevin Varey to stand as Business Secretary and John Pretty to stand as Beacon Administrator.
There are 8 current committee members who are willing to be re-elected, these being – Tina Holmes as our new Chair, Gary Holmes to continue as Treasurer, Greg Umney to continue as Membership Secretary, Sue Tedstone to continue as Group Co-ordinator, Elizabeth Attenborough to continue as Equipment Manager, Lynda Smeathers as our new Webmaster, Christine Eagle as our new Speakers Secretary, thanks to them all for being willing to continue, and finally myself, Melvyn Francis as committee member.
I must not forget the fabulous work that Stephen Lawrence, our Newsletter Editor does all year, collating, editing and producing our monthly newsletter, helped as required by Kevin Varey as required.
And, of course, where would be without the thankless task of providing our refreshments that John and Christine Berrill carry out, not only at every monthly meeting, but at many specials and one-off events, thanks to both, (don’t forget to volunteer to help).
Finally, I would like to thank you all for making my two-year Chairman’s post so enjoyable. It has been hard work at times, but the privilege of serving our u3a and meeting so many wonderful folks more than compensates. Many, many thanks to you all.
God Bless
Melvyn Francis