The History Group always welcomes all U3A members especially new ones. Our indoor meeting place is Central Methodist Church on Baker Street: time 2pm – 4pm ish.
What did you think to Bassetlaw Museum at Retford if you went on the coach? I thought it was just brilliant so many memories brought back to life from mothers and grandmothers. The Pilgrim Fathers exhibition was very good and it was interesting to see people from the original tribe who helped the settlers who had come over the ocean and built a wetu in the garden. Retford itself was a lovely place to walk around with plenty of cafés and seats for a rest when needed. The journey was great as well – I will remember the bluebells as we passed Clumber Park.
Wednesday May 17th 2pm is the date and time for the meeting at Central Methodist Church when Mike Kelly will be with us. He will tell us about ‘The Fall of Saxon England, Christmas Day 1065 to Christmas Day 1066’ which is the most traumatic year in English history.
Kathy and Sue will be at the main meeting on May 10th to take bookings for our Visit to Ashby de la Zouch Museum on June 21st.