The History Group always welcomes all U3A members. Our indoor meetings are held at Central Methodist Church on the 3rd Wednesday of the month commencing at 2.00 pm. At present I am not sure when indoor meetings will restart – but – watch this space! I decided to re- schedule the visits due in 2020 to 2021 which means Richard lll is set for March 17th 2021 – and remember money already paid for the trip is safe in the U3A bank. Please cross fingers, toes and anything else you can – that the visits will go ahead. Doddington Hall will be on 16th June. I am still waiting for Sharpes Pottery to reply. I look forward to seeing everyone but in the meantime please take care and stay safe.
No-one came back to me objecting or otherwise when I mentioned re-booking the speakers from this year for 2021 which means I will go ahead. (See booking list) However at present I feel booking a speaker for February is still a bit iffy so if we can meet I will think of something history based we can do to entertain ourselves.
I went to a day school years ago about writing articles. The tutor told us if using a computer “Never rely on the spell checker picking up miss-spelled or wrong words”. The following poem is (I think) interesting; what do you think?
Eye have a spelling chequer
Witch came with my pea sea
It plainly marques for my revue
Miss steaks I kin knot sea
I strike a quay and type a word
And weight four it to say
Weather eye am wrong oar write –
It shows me strait a weigh
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee four to long
And I kin put the error rite –
It’s rare lea ever wrong
Eye have run this poem threw it;
I am shore your pleased two no
It’s letter perfect awl the weigh –
My chequer tolled me sew.
How many corrections can you find? This poem went through my computer without showing any red lines.
Happy new and better year to all members. T.T.F.N. & God bless from Maureen
Meeting dates 3rd Wednesday of the month except July August & December. Venue for Indoor meetings: Central Methodist Church. Time 2.00pm prompt. This year early meetings do depend on the Covid situation, government tiers and vaccines. All dates have been booked.
January 20th 2021 ?????
February 17th 2021 Members Meeting. ?????
March 17th 2021 Visit to Richard lll Centre & Leicester Cathedral. Leave Hucknall 10.30am; Leave Leices. 4.00pm. Return Hucknall 5.30pm (ish) Cost £18 If this visit does not happen I will try to re-arrange it later in the year. July or August or November. Alternatively we may have an indoor meeting????
April 21st 2021 Malcolm Darroch is coming to talk about ‘When the Balloon went up’.
May 19th 2021 Friends of Bennerley Viaduct (Kieran Lee) coming to talk about this historic monument past and future.
June 16th 2021 Visit to Doddington Hall & Gardens. Leave Hucknall 9.30 am: Leave Doddington 4.00pm. Return Hucknall 5.30pm (ish) Cost £20 – Price cut to the bone.
July and August – holidays.
September 15th 2021 Robert Mee is coming to talk to us on Bradshaws and an early railway Tour. (He says it is the famous railway timetable and a mystery tour.)
October 20th 2021 Visit to Sharpes Pottery and The Magic Attic. Leave Hucknall 12.15pm: Leave Sharpes 4.30pm, Return Hucknall 5.30pm (ish) Cost £11. I am still awaiting confirmation from the museum and will book a visit elsewhere if there is a problem.
November 17th 2021 Members Meeting – Christmas theme.
December 15th 2021 No meeting. Close to Xmas.
I will photocopy this list for the ‘first’ meeting we can attend.