History Group

The next meeting for the group on October 16th is a visit to the Royal Armouries in Leeds where we have a guided tour of the Tournament Gallery and a handling session of artifacts. Apparently there are eating places and other rooms we might need, such as loos, easily available. The coach leaves Hucknall Market at 10 am returning 6 to 6.30 pm (ish)

November 20th is back at Central Methodist when Stephen Walker is coming to talk to us. The title is ‘From Gedling to Ashfield’. He is going to explain the structure of his recent book about the Gedling Borough area and look at the evidence of the history and heritage of the Borough. Then he will suggest how it could be applied to Hucknall and Hucknall Heritage Society’s idea for a new and exciting project.

Our September meeting was a talk by Andy Mackinon and was so good it was difficult to know how to thank him enough. Although his research applied mostly to people from Hucknall, facts and figures could also be applied to anywhere in the country. I think his work on the Great War is astonishing and we hope he will come to speak again (maybe to the whole of Hucknall U3A) when his project is almost complete.

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