Grumpy Old Men Investigate Democracy

As part of our continuing research into what makes things tick, the Grumpy Old Men, and several of the Not So Grumpies, visited Nottingham Council House

We were taken on a guided tour by Jackie Morris, former City Councillor and also twice Sheriff of Nottingham. The imposing building was completed in 1929, along with the former Processional Way. It was designed by local architect T C Howitt, who had originally suggested a more ‘commercial’ building. It replaced the old Corn Exchange on the same site, and the Goose Fair was moved from Old Market Square to its current home on the Forest when work commenced.

The view from the first floor balcony of the ballroom looks out over the large expanse of Old Market Square, and we were shown the long curved line in the paving which denotes the ancient boundary between the Saxon and Norman
parts of Nottingham.

A slightly delayed start meant that the Grumpies managed to fit in a short
excursion beforehand to a well-known chain of pubs for coffee, causing some
confusion when we arrived en masse.

An interesting visit from which we all learned more about Nottingham. If you
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