Gardening Group Trips

The talk from the March speaker was very interesting and gave us all ideas for year-round colour on our plots.

Next week some members of the group will be going to The Beeches to see Mr and Mrs Swindin’s garden, minus the snowdrops! The coach will leave the Market Place at 1.00pm and will leave the garden at approx 4.00pm.

On Tuesday 17 April, at 2.00pm, we welcome Helen Sills from Southwell (so there shouldn’t be issues with traffic jams!) who will be speaking on “From the Garden of Eden to Ground Force.”

At this meeting we will be taking names and monies for the trip to Norwell Nurseries and Gardens on 19 June, 2018. The cost will be £12.50. This includes coach, tour, tea and cake. We will have to take our own lunch as there is no Cafe there, just facilities to make a hot drink.

The May meeting will be the trip to the Dorothy Clive garden, leaving the Market place at 10.00am on 15th May,2018.

We look forward to seeing you at our meetings, where all are welcome.

Please contact the group leader using the form below:-

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