Creative Writing Challenge

We meet at Titchfield Court from 1-3 pm on usually the fourth Tuesday of each month. Our Group Leader, Janet Gibson, gives us a title, sentence or just a word to inspire us to write a piece of around 500 words which we develop at home and then read out to fellow members at the next meeting, for constructive criticism and appraisal. After a short tea-break we then do a ten minute exercise. Last month we read our June homework which was entitled “Changing Rooms”.
Our next session will be on Tuesday, 25th July when our homework subject is “It was when I saw the £1 notes fly in the air…….” which might prove challenging! We would love to welcome more members to our group so please get in touch for more information.
For any information about the Creative Writing Group please contact Sandra Green on the form below or tel. 0115 8408132.

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