Graft Group Techniques

At our next meeting on 20 April we will be embossing and die cutting. We will not be doing a specific project although I will bring along some samples to (hopefully) inspire you.
If you have a machine such as a Cuttlebug, Big Shot, Cut n Boss, etc, please bring it along so those in the group who do not have these machines can prepare some backgrounds and toppers to take away and use on their own projects. Can you also bring along dies and embossing folders. I will have some Craft Coordinations Cardstock for sale, which is ideal for embossing.
You will need to bring some fine sandpaper or a sanding block to distress your cardstock. Last month the group decided that those who don’t own a machine would make a nominal payment of 50p which would go into our kitty towards room hire.
I would also like to let you all know that I have had a lovely thank you card from Thelma, who as you know, has had a lengthy stay in hospital. She is now at home and asks that if anyone has half an hour to spare then she would be very pleased to see you, just give her a quick call first. This is extended to all U3A members.

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