Gardening Group Report February

We certainly got the weather right this Tuesday and 25 members of the Gardening group had a lovely day out to The Bluebell Arboretum at Smisby, just outside Ashby de la Zouch.
Leaving Hucknall at 10.00 we arrived at the Taphouse pub at Smisby at 11.00 and quickly warmed up in a very friendly atmosphere with a roaring log fire. Following lunch, in the main a carvery we, reboarded the coach and travelled the remaining 500 yards to the Arboretum where we were greeted by our host, Robert Vernon the owner of the Nursery, who gave us a guided tour of the Arboretum of trees where virtually everything was named from young wisteria to giant canadian redwood trees. This Arboretum was set up some 20 + years ago specifically to grow examples of trees from around the world, quite a number from China. With white parchment like barks, some have to be washed by a power washer in the spring to return them to there natural colour. As promised, the ground was waterlogged and careful footfall was necessary to avoid getting that sinking feeling. I certainly didn’t imagine that I was going to find a presentation of trees and their barks so interesting.
A good cuppa and biscuits provided by our host brought our visit to an end with a smooth and safe return journey we arrived back in the Market Place at 3.50 10 mins ahead of schedule. I must admit it might well have been a different story if we had gone the previous day as the beautiful blue sky and sunshine really added to our enjoyment. Thanks to Janet for her organisation skills and to Pete our driver again who does a really good job of looking after us. See you again Pete when we go to Sheffield Botanical Gardens on the 21st April.
The next meeting of the Garden Group will be on Tuesday 17th March, 2.00 p.m at John Godber Centre when we shall be enjoying a presentation by Stuart Dixon on Ramblers and Scramblers in other words Climbing Roses and Clematus.
Chief Weeder – Alan Snape

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