‘When Art and Science Collide, a collaboration’

Our November session was a little bit different. We invited artist Roger Crooks who has taken part in the ‘Creative Reactions’ Project with Physics Professor Tony Padilla from Nottingham University. Roger’s paintings have been displayed in Woolsthorpe Manor (home of Isaac Newton). Roger’s project was based on ‘String Theory’ and John Tedstone had a go at explaining what this is! The session culminated with us all drawing a picture, which was chosen at random. Roger is going to work on our pictures, to produce a large painting, which will be displayed at the Nottingham Society of Artists. Members of Science 2 will be invited to the grand opening.
Many thanks to Roger and John and we look forward to seeing the finished masterpiece

Our next meeting will be on Friday January 19th 2018
The theme is ‘Body Systems, the heart, pulse rate, blood pressure and causes of heart disease’
If you have a blood pressure monitor could you please bring it to the session?

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