Weekenders' Plans

A copy of the programme will be on the Hucknall U3A website. All events organised by either the Lunch Group or the Weekenders Group are open to all U3A members, regardless of whether they are regulars or not. Obviously places are sometimes limited so it’s first come, first served; I should be grateful if you could let me know if you are interested in these events as soon as possible so that I can let other members know if I have places left.
1st October was a Weekenders day out; coffee in Nottingham, followed by lunch at Yates’s (not enough staff on and some food had to be sent back as too cold) then an excellent guided tour by Millie at The Malt Cross, St. James’s Street, followed by thunder, lightning and heavy rain but we still enjoyed the day.
Our theme for the October Coffee Club was “a most unusual holiday souvenir” and final plans were made for our visit to the Southwell Minster Winter Craft Fayre and lunch on 5th November and our trip to Melton Mowbray Victorian Christmas Market on Sunday, 4th December. We also plan a Film & Pizza Night on 12th November (places limited).

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