Unfortunately we have had to limit membership of the Weekenders Group due to seating restrictions at events such as Social Evenings and Outings but we could welcome new members to the Coffee Club and to our Lunches where space is not so restricted. I would have been happy to help start a Weekenders Two Group but unfortunately only one person turned up for the meeting at Hucknall Library on Monday, 25th June.
The programme is posted on the U3A website so please contact me if you are interested in our events.
Our June outing was to Boundary Mills, Rotherham, followed by a lovely fish & chips lunch at Whitby’s. On 16th June we returned to an old favourite for lunch – Arunothai – and our Social Evening on 23rd June had a Fruit & Flowers theme courtesy of Joyce Crane; thanks for the lovely flower arranging demonstrations, Joyce. Finally for June our Coffee Club was on the 30th when we discussed “Holidays from Hell”.
In July we hope to lunch out again but no venue has yet been agreed. However our outing to Bakewell & Peak Village on Monday 16th July is now full. Lindsay Smith will be hosting our July Social Evening with a “Schools Out For Summer” theme and our Coffee Club will be talking about our strangest holiday souvenir. Just for July this will be held at the Nabb Inn at 2.00 pm.
To contact the group leader, please use the form below:-
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