The Weekenders May Newsletter will be sent out on 1st June. Once again, many thanks to Margaret Whilde & Lindsay Smith for printing off copies for those members not on email and for delivering them on their morning walks.
We met up for coffee at Brooke Farm, Linby on Friday, 6th May when there was a big discussion on the state of the NHS at the moment!
Our Coffee Club session last month was on the last Friday of the month (April 29th) at Papplewick Village Hall, when we discussed plans for the next couple of months’ activities. We also brought items which brought memories back for us to re-tell to members.
Future Coffee Club sessions will go back to the last Saturday of the month at my house (on 28th May) reverting back to pre-Covid times.
We met up for lunch at Keycraft Garden Centre on Friday, 13th and also had an outing on 24th May to Jacksdale Garden Centre. We plan a Jubilee Afternoon Tea at Morton’s Farm on 4th June. It would be nice to get back to having our Social Evenings in members’ homes but no volunteers so far! Would anyone like to host a Garden Meet up instead?