The Arts – AmDram
In April the Bonington Players are putting on their version of The Lady a Killers, a comedy ( film version included Peter a Sellers). the production dates are Wednesday 15th April – Sat 18th inclusive £8 starts at 7.30 at The Bonington Theatre High Street Arnold. If interested in going either contact Alan Snape or purchase your own tickets on
0115 9560733. Alan’s tickets will be for Friday 17th April.
In May The Prospect Players are putting on their version of The Importance of Being Earnest, another witty and amusing play by Noel Coward. The production dates are Wednesday 13th – Saturday 16th May inclusive, £8 leases concession art discounts for seniors and groups, amt The Bonington Theatre, High Street, Arnold. If you are interested in going either contact Alan Snape or purchase your own tickets on 0115 9013640
Alan’s contact details are 0115 9273524 or 07940146542 – or on the form below:
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