Successful Jewellery Workshop

The workshop organized for Monday 30 June was a huge success, nine ladies produced beautiful button necklaces. They had the choice of a ‘Stacked’ button or an ‘All buttoned up” design. Barbara, Eve and Janet chose the ‘stacked’ and spent a very relaxing two hours threading beads and buttons, the most difficult part of their work being to decide what colour and which buttons. Sue, Jean, Diane, Mary, Barbara and I chose to make the ‘all buttoned up’, as with the other design we had to decide colour and buttons but then we had the task of threading these onto wire, like sewing on a button, up from the back and then down another hole from the front. Twist the wire, wrap around the previous wire, use two buttons at a time, being sure the buttons overlap. Then to finish, adding rings, chains, clips, we were shattered and some didn’t quite finish. As the photo shows the end result was fabulous. Thank you to Maxine from Ashfield U3A for taking the workshop, if anyone else would like to have a go Maxine runs workshops at her home in Mansfield and can be contacted via me. Vivian Ellis, Groups Coordinator

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