Severn Trent and Age UK – Help with water bills

Here are two ways that it is possible to get help with the ever increasing cost of living, don’t be afraid to ask.

Severn Trent Water – Big Difference Scheme

I was recently given information from an Ashfield Council stall in Hucknall on market day, giving details of a possible discount of up to 90% of your water bill for eligible houses.

The two main criteria are:-

a) Live alone and/or

b) Have an annual household income of less than £20,048.

For more details either visit, or phone 0121 355 7766 option 6.

One of our members has contacted them and had her water bill reduced from £50 pm to £11 pm. Cannot guarantee anything, but worth a try – good luck.

Age UK

If you are aged 50+ and would like to be warmer and wiser about energy, they are here to help.

They can:      Fit FREE energy saving measures such as draught excluders, timers and light                    bulbs.

                     Advise on how to reduce your energy usage and bills.

                     Advise on how to maintain a healthy temperature at home.

                     Maximise your income through energy checks.

                     Provide energy saving tips, information and signposting.

Support is available through home visits or via telephone. Contact by phone on 0115 8599 205 or email


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