Science Group 2 Learn about Isaac Newton

The group met on Friday 17th and the theme was based around Isaac Newton, his life and work. A famous quote of Newton is that ‘I stand on the shoulders of giants.’ By this he meant that his work and contribution to the advancement of mathematical and scientific discoveries and knowledge was built on the ideas and work of Philosophers and Scientists of previous generations.
Members of the group then shared some information of these ‘giants’ from Archimedes to Galileo Galilei. This led to some interesting discussion around belief based religious ideas of the world and evidence based scientific ideas. This was followed by a presentation of the life of Newton and his Laws of Motion, discovery of the force known as gravity, the spectrum and invention of the reflecting telescope.
Our next meeting is on Friday 18th September when we are visiting Newton’s birthplace, the National Trust property Woolsthorpe Manor, near Grantham.
Before the visit please take time to follow this link which gives a comprehensive history of Newton from birth to his evolution as a major scientific figure.
To date 24 Science 2 members have paid and registered for the visit, which is organised by John Berrill. The cost is free for NT members and £5.95 for non NT members. Travel is by shared vehicles. In true U3A style following the learning element there will be an optional meal in the nearby White Lion public house after the visit.
John will email the menu and please let him know your selection as soon as possible afterwards since advance notice is required by the pub/restaurant.
Advance Notice
October 16th Meeting at the John Godber Centre
Special offer – 2 guest speakers and a tea break..
1. Mr Terry Hill ‘Sub Atomic Particles’
2. Mr Derek Wileman ‘The Science of Sound and Music’
(Derek is a well-known local Physicist and Musician)
David Rose

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