To all members who have expressed an interest in this new group.
Following a planning meeting on Tuesday 14th April the planning team have made the following decisions regarding this new group:
We will meet on the 3rd Friday of the month, starting on the 15th May and excluding August and December at 10:00 – 12:00 in the John Godber Centre, Hucknall (unless a visit has been arranged)
A £5 subscription is required from each member to help with room hire, resources and visiting speaker costs. When the kitty is empty we will request a further £5 and so on. This is regardless of individual attendance.
The staff at John Godber can provide tea or coffee at 60p a cup. If you require this you will be asked to pay/order when you register at the beginning of each monthly meeting.
We have planned the first three months but will be taking all your ideas and offers of support at the May meeting. The group will evolve over the months and we see this as a really good chance to explore the world of science together. We are really hoping that you are willing to share some of your knowledge/experiences with us all – however small. Learning together is what U3As are all about.
There will be some trips planned in but only if they are relevant to our topics.
35 people have expressed an interest so far, which is great but we have closed the list for now and have created a waiting list.
Initial Programme
May 15th Introductions ,General discussion and ideas sharing.
Short Break
Interactive presentation – ‘What Happens in a Car Crash?’
David Rose
June 19th Introduction and information sharing.
Interactive Presentation-‘ Flight , from the Wright Brothers to the Moon.’ Ian Murray
July 17th Introduction and information sharing.
Interactive presentation – ‘Space the Final Frontier’
David Rose
Planning Group
Sue Tedstone, David Rose, Ann Murray, Ian Murray and John Berrill
Recent Posts
Group News
- Announcements
- Bridge
- Canasta
- Chair based Exercise
- Craft Group 1
- Crafty Knitters
- Curling
- Discussion Group
- Drama Group
- Easier Cycle Group
- Easy Walkers
- Events
- Film and Culture Club
- Flower Arranging
- Fun with Languages
- Gardening Group
- General News/Events
- Growing Old Disgracefully (GOD)
- Grumpy Old Men
- History Group
- Holidays
- International Dining
- Kurling
- Late Breakfast
- Litter Picking
- Long Walks
- Lunch Group
- Mah Jong
- Medium Walks
- Monthly Meetings
- National Trust
- Not So Grumpy Old Men
- Pickleball
- Pub Quiz with Lunch
- Real Ale Group
- Rummikub
- Rummikub 2
- Science Group
- Scrabble
- Short Walks
- Singalonga
- Social Committee
- Table Games
- Table Tennis
- Theatre News
- Ukulele for Fun
- Uncategorized
- Vegetarian Cookery
- Water Colour
- Weekenders
- Wine Appreciation
- Wine Lovers
- Wine Tasting