Our first meeting of 2024 is a week earlier than usual on Friday 12th January 10.00am in the main hall at JGC
The original plan was for everyone to create a fixed cyanotype ‘photographic’ image of selected objects but now the practical element will take place as part of the February meeting.
This month we will cover the theory of this process and learn the basics of how to carry it out.
As part of this we will be a look at how photography techniques evolved alongside advances in physics, chemistry and technology.
The 2024 Science Visit to Oxford is on Friday 19th April
8.15am depart from Ogle Street return from Oxford at 5.15p eta in Hucknall by 8.00pm
The cost is £23.00 each. £3.00 of this is to book group entry to the Museum of Natural History and the Pitt Rivers Museum which is on the same site.
More details at this meeting and bookings will start at this meeting.
Following my master class with our treasurer Gary the payment by card machine will hopefully be available for use.
If you wish to pay by cheque please make it payable to ‘Hucknall and District u3a’
Please write your name and ‘Science Visit’ on the back.
David Rose