Time to get started again, you will be aware that we are having our normal u3a monthly meeting at 2.00 pm on Wednesday, 8th September, 2021 at the John Godber Centre, when we will be able to have a chat about our future Real Ale group outings, so please come with some ideas.
To kick off, we will be having our first Real Ale get-together (in 18 months) on Wednesday, 15th September, meeting at Wetherspoon’s Pilgrim Oak, in Hucknall at 7.00 pm, moving on as appropriate. Hoping to see as many as possible.
Our second outing will be to the renowned Robin Hood Beer and Cider Festival, which is being held at the cricket ground this year. We will be going on Thursday, 14th October, meeting at the tram station at 3.30 pm. Travel by tram to Midland Station, then bus to Trent Bridge, so bring your tram/bus pass.
The cost this year is £10, (£20 on Friday & Saturday) which includes 9 beer tokens. However, no glasses this year, as they will be on loan using previous years’ glasses. Not sure if we get any extra if in CAMRA, but bring your membership card in case. You will need to purchase your ticket beforehand to ensure entrance. Again, hoping as many as possible can make it.
Melvyn Francis, Group Co-ordinator