Pub Quiz and Lunch May Report

This month our numbers present was slightly reduced once again owing to holidays etc but on the positive side four new members came along.
The Quiz was themed loosely around May. Twenty five questions with the following categories: May, Spring, Five and People The Quiz as always proved to be very competitive. The winners were “Newbies” scoring 22. Second were “Universally Challenged” also scoring 22 but further away from the tie breaker and third scoring 21 1/2 were “Whatever”. All members of winning teams won a prize. First received “Tea for Two, biscuits, teabags, cups and saucers”, the second “Bubble Bath” the third “Spring Bulbs”. Once again thanks to Sandra Green for purchasing the prizes for us.
Everyone enjoyed doing some Dingbats for a laugh.
Once again the Raffle proved to be popular. Thanks to the Nabb Inn who donated a bottle of wine also thanks to our members who donated prizes it really is appreciated and does help us to give a more memorable lunchtime.
The next meeting will be at the Nabb Inn, Nabbs Lane on Monday, 8th June at 12noon.
From your compere and sometimes rubbish Quizmaster John Peters and my beautiful assistants Sandra, Alison and Mollie.

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