Notes from Committee Meeting

John Godber Centre – 1st June, 2022.

Apologies for absence received from Gary and Tina Holmes, Lynda Smeathers, Dianne Heenan, Angela Cornish and Christine Eagle.

The minutes of the May meeting were agreed and signed.

Notts Network 40th Anniversary Flash Mob on Nottingham Market Square was discussed again, at present we have 5 or 6 people interested

Ravenshead Community Transport is still operating and it was agreed that we would renew our affiliation fee to enable groups to use at a discounted rate.

Sue, our Groups Co-ordinator has been in contact with all group leaders, however, some groups are still showing incorrect information on ‘Beacon’.

The group leaders are to hold a get-together meeting at the John Godber Centre on 22nd July, they have also been asked to speak for a few minutes at our monthly meeting to explain about their group.

Speakers have been arranged for all months up to November. Our Lady speaker in June will be Farmer Barnes, who will be bringing some Stilton cheese to purchase.

The Pie, Peas & Gravy Film Night on Fri 24th June is all sorted by our Social Sub Committee, a few tickets still available.

Tickets for our next social event, on Saturday 17th September, being a Hog Roast with entertainment by “Footloose” will be on sale shortly.

Latest Treasurers Report was tabled and discussed; the bank mandate transfer is still being sorted by the bank.

Our Equipment Manager has compiled a list of all known equipment and where it is currently stored, this is most welcome.

Tina is sorting a future First Aid Workshop. The Defibrillator demonstration is still on hold pending the JGC purchasing the defibrillator, delayed due to the recent flooding and repair.

The Rotary Club organised activity in Hucknall Market went quite well, some interest shown and one definite new member. Hopefully we will be on Titchfield Park with our stall and display on June 18th, any volunteers welcome.

Members update shows a total of 477 members, being 437 full, 19 associated & 21 affiliated, it was discussed and agreed that affiliated members should not attend our monthly meetings but their own u3a meetings.

Meeting closed 11.50am

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