On Thursday 20th July, 14 of the Not So Grumpy Old Men met up at Ramsdale Golf Club to try their hand at the renowned Pirate Crazy Golf.
With names out of a hat, we split into two teams of 4 and two teams of 3. Issued with our putter, ball and score sheets, we set off to see if any of us would be spotted for the Masters Championship.
The course consisted of 18 holes of varying complexity and with our basic lack of ability, soon proved to be harder than expected.
The rules stated no more than 7 shots per hole were allowed, which was in honesty a Godsend for quite a few of us.

Having said that two grumpies managed to score three holes in one and one team actually scored three holes in one on the same hole, one after the other, such skill!

After negotiating, hills, dips, hollows, ramps, rough, alligators, water features (several plonks), cannons etc., totting up the scores, which varied from 44 (excellent and below par) to 80 (all promised not to tell his wife). Congrats to Bob Payne for winning, and scoring 3 holes in one. Bob becoming NSGOM Crazy Golf champion 2023.
The other 3 holes in one, were our chairman, who was almost sent off for trying to use his crutch instead of the provided club!
Off to the club house (the 19th hole) for a well earned pint and a wonderful Pie, Peas, Chips and Gravy lunch.
Many thanks to Paul Haig for organising the activity