News From the History Group

The Mystery Object Quiz in January conducted by Jodie from Mansfield Museum was amazing!   Little did we think some of the objects from our own lifetime would become museum artefacts but how we loved chatting about the memories of the ones we knew and pondering about those we didn’t know.  Special thanks are due to all members who made a bad hair day marvellous.  Thank you all.
The Group’s next meeting is on Wednesday February 15th, 2017 at Central Methodist Church at 2pm.   Ann Cottee is going to tell us about the Holgate to Armenia link.
Looking ahead there is a visit to the National Coal Mining Museum on Wednesday 17th May  2017, leaving from Hucknall Market at 9.30am, departing from the museum at 4pm.
The Museum is free but a returnable deposit of £3 is needed for underground tours.  Would members who wish to go please check their diaries and be ready to sign up and pay £10 bus fare at the February meeting.  Any cheques to be payable to Hucknall & District U3A – thanks.
Please contact the Group Leader, Maureen, on the form below:-

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