New Group

One group that has proved very successful is the Grumpy Old Men Group, so successful that they have men queuing up to join. Unfortunately they are not grumpy enough! If you are one of the Not So Grumpy Men and would like to form a second group then please put your name on the list. Members of the Grumpy Old Men Group will be happy to give advice, the format for the existing group is, each member is responsible for organizing one month’s event which usually includes ‘food,’ sometimes an educational visit (Thornton’s Chocolates), very often a physical activity, nothing too strenuous of course, one condition, you must not be as grumpy as the others.
If you think this is being a bit sexist, one of the original groups that started in 2008 is still going, Pot Luck Group, all ladies and run on a similar theme to TGOM, but in the evening. If you think this would be more along your line as you are not grumpy or a man then please let me know and we can form a Group for you.

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