National Trust Visit to Belton House Light Trail

Belton House hosts one of the most impressive light trails in the country. It contains over one million lights in a mile long trail through the grounds at Belton House, accompanied by the sounds of Christmas as you walk. The estimated time for the walk is ninety minutes allowing no doubt for a stop for a seasonal drink or a light snack. Toasted marshmallows anyone? The Stables courtyard close to the start and end of the walk will have further attractions including a memory tree if you wish to post a note on to the tree.

The event is very popular and despite running from late November to early January is often sold out. As the event is run out of normal National Trust hours there is a charge of £20 for all adults whether you are members or not. Including the bus fare of £8.00 the total cost will be £.28.00 per person.

We have booked fifty six places, as we will have timed entry slots of the maximum number you can book which is 14. Our slots are for 4.15, 4.30. 4.45 and 5.00pm on Wednesday, 15th December, 2021. According to the website there is very little open during the period before 4.00pm and so in view of the possible cold weather in December we have decided to leave Hucknall Market at 2.30pm and return from Belton at 7.30pm. This will still give us four hours outside which is probably enough for the time of year.

We expect the visit to be very well supported and to be fair to everyone we will accept bookings from 9.00 am on October 11th, 2021 preferably by email or by phone for those of you not online. We will confirm that you have a place by email or phone. Belton House reserve the right not to let you go on the trail if you are not well wrapped up and ask you to bring a torch in case of a power cut!!!!!!!!

To contact Barrie and Sue, please use the contact form below:-

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