Mid-Length Walk October

We had a brilliant walk in October, led by John and Sue Beharall and the sun shone for the whole walk. After parking at the Peak Village Shopping Centre in Rowsley, 28 of us set off uphill to Calton Pastures and parts of the Chatsworth Estate. We were treated to panoramic views all day and even our picnic stop was spectacular. Because we were enjoying the lovely views so much John extended the walk for us, which was good because walking 7.5 miles meant I could eat those extra biscuits that were squirrelled away in my rucksack! There were a lot of cows in the field at the end of our walk – that speeded us up AND we all survived!! We gave John Beharall the bravery award for guiding us safely under the bridge where a demented cow was guarding its territory – I’ve never heard a cow roar like a lion before!! Our day out concluded with a drink in the Grouse and Claret pub.
Thanks to John and Sue for providing us with this lovely walk.
Our next walk and early Christmas meal is on:
Monday 16th November – Edingley.
Planning Meeting: I have arranged a ‘Planning walks for 2016’ meeting at my house, on Monday November 2nd – 10:00-11:30. If you are in the group and are willing to recce and lead a walk next year please come along.

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