Hello everyone I hope that you are keeping well and have taken the opportunity to have the booster Covid-19 vaccine. I think summer is now well and truly behind us, but there is always the compensation of the current wonderful autumnal colours. Let’s hope that this winter isn’t going to be too extreme.
We now have the prospect of Christmas looming on the horizon. People used to write in to newspapers to report when they had first heard the sound of a cuckoo in the spring. I wish to report my first hearing of festive muzak wafting around a shop as I ambled round Wilko’s on Sunday 14th November. ‘Merry Christmas Everybody’ by Slade and Noddy Holder’s ‘its Christmaaaaas’ line will be (frequently) coming your way soon…
We have previously said that there wouldn’t be a General Meeting in December; however we have decided to have a Christmas themed film show on Wednesday 8th December starting at our usual time of 1.30pm. There will also be a book sale before and after the film.
The Committee – all u3as, as independent charities, must have a Committee of Trustees who manage the charity and who are legally responsible for the safe and efficient running of the body. Most people are eligible to be on the Committee, and there are no particular qualifications needed – just a willingness to help run the u3a.
We already have some welcome volunteers coming forward but your u3a still needs you! If you wish to join the committee from April 2022 please contact me, Vice Chair Melvyn, or any of the committee members.
David Rose,