Members will be aware that my two year period of Office in the role of Chairman of the Hucknall U3A will come to an end at the April AGM. The two years have gone unbelievably fast and have been very enjoyable. There are so many people to thank for their hard work and support over the period but I will leave that task for my last message in April.
From my point of view, the last two years has seen many positives which I hope have built on the excellent work completed by all the former Chairmen.
Firstly, only last month we had a record attendance of 279 members at the monthly meeting, while the total number of Members is approaching five hundred.
While several new Interest Groups have started, we have well over fifty different Groups running successfully. New Members are supported very well over their initial period with the U3A, a process that hopefully will help retain and encourage them to fully engage with the U3A.
Finances are in a healthy position helped enormously by the commission gained by those Members who have enjoyed a holiday with Riviera Travel alongside membership fees.
The Social Committee continue to organise a series of excellent events. The new Short Courses and film sessions have proved very popular. I have also been pleased that many Members have attended events organised by the County U3A.
I would like to think that with the continued support of Members, the Hucknall U3A can only go from strength to strength in the future under the guidance of the new Chair.
Barrie Saunders